Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a referral?
No you do not. Any information about your medical history from a GP or specialist, however, is helpful.
Do I get a rebate?
If you have extras including physiotherapy with a private health fund then, yes, you will.
Do you see patients who are on a Enhanced Primary Care package?
Yes, I do. The EPC is subsidised by Medicare so on the day of treatment you pay the whole fee, and we send your details off to Medicare immediately so you can be refunded.
Do you see Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) patients?
Yes I do. For DVA patients we need a DVA referral from your GP.
How long are the appointments?
Each treatment session is typically an hour.
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions will depend on many factors, particularly on the nature of your problem and your goals. The number of treatments will be determined jointly, by discussing your personal goals, and marrying these to the professional recommendations I may have following my assessment of your movement challenges.
Is parking available ?
Yes there is a carpark behind the building.
Is it wheelchair accessible?
Yes at the entrance there is a ramp and an automatic door.