About Libby Bamford
Libby Bamford has worked in the field of neurophysiotherapy for over twenty years in both acute hospital and rehabilitation settings, in public and private sectors, in Adelaide and in London.
Libby draws on an extensive background in dance, where her passion for the study of human movement was first born. The professional decision to move into the field of neurophysiotherapy, with its similar focus on the assessment and re-education of movement, proved a natural progression. Libby has trained extensively in the Bobath Concept for the assessment and treatment of neurological patients and has been involved in the teaching of physiotherapists in Australia and UK for over 20 years.
Whilst in London, she was appointed to the position of Clinical Specialist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. In Adelaide, she has worked at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Griffith Rehabilitation Hospital in both clinical and management positions.